
俄罗斯著名家、金融家、前杜马议员Sergey Mavrodi谢尔盖马夫罗季先生(1955.8.11-2018.3.26)于2011年1月创立MMM金融互助社区,次年改为MMM全球互助基金。迄今全球参与者超过2.5亿,遍及118个国家和地区。
 《MMM思想》(缩写II)       https://steemit.com/mmm/@ganquan/3no9ak
《MMM思想》(全文)    https://steemit.com/mmm/@ganquan/6fkwig-mmm

The contemporary world, ruled by money, is evil, unfair and unjust. Sadly, we have chosen to turn a blind eye to the unfairness and bitterness, believing that this is the way of the world.
二、金钱 MONEY
We have always been told from the cradle that money is meant to be the measure of labour. However, in reality , the great majority, earning a hard life, end up in poverty. So will their future generations. Praises and lies run about in the media every day. Free people with equal rights! Impossible for the masses to have equal rights with oligarchs or bankers!
Money is invisible shackles rather than a measure of labour! We are all salves of money , having been so for thousands of years. One cannot make a single step without it.
Indeed,everyone should work. Our work has to be voluntary, not for a bare survival. It is strange that some labour endlessly while others just sit back doing next to nothing.
钞票不过是带有字符的彩纸, 当权者随意印刷,却作为“劳动力的工资”发给劳苦大众。人情冷漠,现实痛苦!
Money is just a piece of colored paper with numbers and symbols on it, printed to one’s satisfaction, and distributed among the slaving population as ‘wages of labour’. It is just the bitter reality of this cold world!
The whole financial world is a pyramid, with the Fed,the central banks of other countries and the local banks sitting at the top , in the middle and at the bottom of the pyramid respectively. Figuratively, banks act as blood vessels, and money as blood, which supplies nutrients to the social organs.
四、银行 BANK
Why do bankers work less but get paid millions? It’s the fact that they can make money both from moeny and debt, and even create money out of thin air!Their debts are virtual and will never be settled, for they have numerous depositors who will never come for their money all at once, except for a financial panic.
You go to a bank for a house loan , and become a slave to the bank. Before the debt is paid off, you, even your children and grandchildren will stay slaves to the bank, or rather, to the global financial system.
银行是美联储的忠仆,是最大的吸血鬼,一直在吸我们的血,未来还会吸我们子孙的血。如听之任之,银行甚至会变本加厉。 我们别无选择只能彻底摧毁现存的金融体系,建立一个新金融体系–一个公平、诚信的新体系!
Loyal to the Fed, the bank, the biggest vampire, has always been sucking our blood, and will suck that of our future generations. It will get even worse if nothing changes. We have no choice but to crash the existing financial system and build a new one– fair and honest!
五、金融启示 Financial Apocalypse
Financial Apocalypse! That’s the only thing that can break the financial chains, release the masses from the financial slavery over thousands of years, and save us all!
Now is the high time for freedom. With the advent of MMM, Financial Apocalipse is inevitable. It’s just a question of time!
The MMM seed has been sown and taken root. And it has been thriving! Never perish!
六、MMM 马氏全球运动
A Global Mutual Aid Fund, a Financial Social Network, MMM is made up of hundreds and millions of voluntary participants worldwide, rebelling against the modern financial slavery. MMM has declared a war against the Fed and its servants, and will win the final victory! By integrating small amount of money from millions of people, MMM has been powerful and awesome and invincible, growing with each passing day, will eventually break the modern financial slavery and defeat the Fed!
Here comes MMM for the ordinary people, as a voluntary choice. Today you help and tomorrow you will be helped. That’s our principle. MMM is somehow a huge public coffer where people can save their money for the future, and take it when necessary. It’s up to you to keep saving your hard-earned money in a bank turning another slave, or join MMM helping those in need!
People never desire for money so much as for a better future. MMM offers you not only a sense of belonging and partership, but also help and support during the difficult times , thus making you fully confident in what tomorrow will bring.
Fair and just, MMM is a new society of honesty and integrity, without slaves or owners, or money as we know it , where everybody will work for their own pleasure and for the society.
Good will prevail over Evil! All will come true in the new world!
Welcome to the System ! Together we will change the world!
