What are Mavros-BTC?


Mavro-BTC is a unit of measure of help provided in MMM. The number of Mavros in your office determines the maximum amount of help that you can get. The more Mavros you have, the more help you can get.
If you provide help in the amount of 10 bitcoins, you will be credited with 10 Mavro-BTC + bonuses. Mavros grow at 30% monthly growth rate. If you have 15 Mavros-BTC on your account — you can create a GH request for 15 bitcoins.


What are the advantages of Mavros-BTC?



  • Greater growth. After a month you initial payment will not only grow by 30%, but it will get bigger due to Bitcoin price growth. In general, Bitcoin price is growing steadily.
  • Risk-free participation.
  • If Bitcoin price is falling, you can exchange Mavro-BTC for Mavro-yuan. And vice versa.



How to get Mavros-BTC?



You need to provide help (acquire Mavro):
Click “Provide help” on the desktop.


Accept the terms and click “Next”.


Select Bitcoin from the currency list.
In “Transfer method” filed also select bitcoin.
Click “Next”.


Enter the amount you want to provide and then click “Choose”.


Enter the PH amount and click “Next”.


Check all details, enter a security code and click “Next”.


Click “OK”.


Your request will appear on the desktop.


Go to the “Mavro” section by clicking on the corresponding button on the top bar.


Check the amount of credited Mavro-BTC.
