



  • 仅允许满法定年龄的人参加。
  • 您不允许创建多个帐户。
  • 每个参与者必须用他们自己的银行帐户和比特币钱包。
  • 一个家族当中,您推荐的亲友提供帮助的数额不能大于您的数额。
  • 订单被创建后必须在48小时内打款。如果您没有及时打款-您会被系统封号。
  • 您不能拒绝汇款,在您已经创建了一个“提供帮助”的订单后。如果您有一个很好的理由- 请联系反馈部门,你的情况将被另行处理。
  • 只用闲散资金参与。永远不要借钱或贷款为系统的参与者提供帮助。





MMM是个互助平等的社区,是2011年由谢尔盖马夫罗季先生创办,旨在营造一个公平的金融体系。 在MMM, 人们可以在互相提供金融帮助并每月会得到其提供帮助金额50%的奖励。MMM的参与者团结一致去克服社会中的不平等,他们致力于在将来过着富足、自信的生活。
由于社区的存在,参与者的家人和朋友都得到了金融方面的帮助,他们可以去旅行,举办慈善,去度假,开办自己的生意。 我们的团结一致一起建立了这个公平的社区。每个人都会获得经济独立,包括您。
在正义的现代世界,善良和诚实不再是神话或幻想 — MMM使它们变成现实!加入我们 — 我们可以一起改变世界!MMM万岁!马夫罗季先生万岁!!!

MMM 的慈善活动



PMI备用信息发布平台:https://weibo.com/savmmm     http://blog.sina.com.cn/pmi2018
PMI社区学习网址:http://ourmmm.com     (微信封杀,请浏览器打开)
不要相信在网上找到的任何有关MMM或者我个人的信息!永远不要相信!不要相信“专业人士”,“分析师”和其他人。这一切都是“胡说八道”,只是一个弥天大谎!我们正在与世界的金融体系作斗争,帮助普通的老百姓,打破规则并明确地宣布 – 你想要什么?自然,他们会竭力妨碍和阻挠我们。在特朗普竞选活动期间,当他决定打破规则,你看到发生了什么事?你看见“公平独立”的媒体铺天盖地的谎言和诽谤落在他身上了吗?MMM和这是大致相同的。
最好是看看事实。 MMM已经存在多年了,并支付成员每月不低于30%。这是每月,不是每年!每月!即使世界上所有专业经济学家都认为这基本是不可能的。(太多了,你不能支付那么多,这会损害他们:)然而这是事实。在你眼前的事实。还有什么话要说?还有疑问吗?看看整个互联网成千上万快乐会员的视频!这就是所有这些指控的价格。这就是所有专业人士的价格。
祝你好运!谢尔盖·马夫罗季 :-))



每成功介绍一名新人入会,推荐人会收到推荐人奖金,奖金为该名新参与者贡献金额的 奖金用马夫罗计算的,新参与者提供资助并确认相应马夫罗后,推荐人可以即刻提现奖金。 您可以通过推荐链接或MMM邀请码(代码字)来邀请新参与者加入。
例如,如果他提供了1000人民币资金援助,您将得到100元人民币的奖金。 如果这名参与者之后提现了1500人民币,然后又提供了2000元人民币的援助,系统将计算存取差值,按照最新贡献金额给您发送奖金,即1500人民币(1000-1500+2000=1500)。 最后,奖金将只有150人民币,不是200人民币。
注意! 你不需要邀请新人加入系统! 你必须邀请任何人吗? 如果你邀请的话,很好,你会得到一份推荐奖励。 如果没有? 也没关系,不需要邀请新会员,你也可以参与。


领导人奖金有: +

  •  — 针对那些指定您为他们领导人的参与者。
  •  — 针对那些指定您下级会员为领导人的参与者。
  • 依次类推。

高级的领导人奖金 +(所有较低层也是)为那些谁获得的MMM领导人培训了。奖金是多层的,层的数量是没有限制的。奖金是用马夫罗支付的。你可以撤回奖金, 只要您的介绍者提供了帮助并得到了他的马夫罗证实之后。


关于“幸福信”里录制视频所获得的奖金(按照提供帮助金额  或  计算)。

  • 得到帮助金额的  — 优质视频可获得。该视频应该看起来很专业: 经过高质量的录制和编辑。录制—个有趣的视频,你就是主角。讲清楚你如何消费(了)这比钱,以及MMM的理念对你以及你的生活有怎样的影响,记得邀请人们加入MMM。情节要有趣,富有创造性。分辨率不低于640×480。时长大于1分30秒。
  • 视频里露脸且声音清晰可获得提供帮助金额的奖金。说出参与MMM的感受并邀请他人参与社区!
  • 视频里没有露脸可获得提供帮助金额的奖金。你需要上传个人中心的截图,银行流水证明或银行电子流水以证实自己得到了帮助。



如果你使用加密数字货币(不是通过银行)进行转账 (提供帮助),你会获得所付金额3%的奖金。
如果加密数字货币对你来说还比较陌生的话,你可以从 这个方便的指南 找到如何创建加密数字货币钱包以及如何购买和出售加密数字货币的信息。。


增长率为每月。 马夫罗为14天被”冻结”。 你可以创建一个得到帮助的请求, 你提供帮助14天之后, 而且所有的收件人确认了得到你的帮助之后。
增长率为每月。 马夫罗为92天被”冻结”。 在提前取款情况下, 总金额将被重新计算每月利率。
在3个月内您可以提现100*1,4*1,4*1,4=274,4 换言之你提供帮助的收益为每月40。

增长率为每月。 马夫罗为92天被”冻结”。 在提前取款情况下, 参与者只会获得初始付款 (无计率)。
在3个月内您可以提现100*1,5*1,5*1,5=337,5 换言之你提供帮助的收益为每月50。



现在我们终于有了一个选择。 MMM!它是您的!在这里人们互相帮助。今天您提供帮助 – 明天您会得到帮助――这是MMM的原则。您想让您辛苦赚来的钱给那个肥胖的银行家购买豪华轿车或是建造别墅吗?你想变成下一个尼克,或者下一个简妮吗?还是说您想成为下一个奴隶?或者,你也可以把钱存在MMM,并帮助那些需要帮助的人——灾民们,残疾人们,老年人们,或者有一群孩子要养活的妈妈们,关爱您的邻居!请给他们以帮助!
MMM是一种巨大的公共保险柜,所有的人把钱存在这里,当他们需要的时候就可以去提取,就像您现在这一刻需要钱一样 。他们没有抢夺,只是提取!
事实上,一个人并不需要很多钱,重要的是他意识到他拥有那些。对每个人来说,最重要的事情,就是要对未来充满信心, MMM能给予您这种信心。MMM让您感到并不孤单!在艰难时期您一定会得到帮助。您将不会因孤单而感到苦恼。MMM是一种全新的社会,它是一个更明亮,更清晰的社会。这是一个新的世界,在这里钱将不存在,在这里一切一切都会不同。充满了诚实和公正,也将不会再有奴隶,再也不会有主人。大家都享受着工作的乐趣,并为社会利益而服务。善良终将战胜邪恶。一切都必定会在这个新的世界里实现。
The modern world is bad. It is inhumane, unfair and unjust. This is the world of money. It is not for people. It is for those who produce this money, for bankers and financiers, government and millionaires. And people are mere “pawns” in this game. They just serve them as attendants.
Why do bankers work less and earn a hundred times more?
What lies behind the social welfare? Labor. But why do bankers live a hundred times better than common people who really work hard? Do the bankers work harder? Definitely they don’t! In addition, they do not even produce any material values, as opposed to the workers. Why then the difference in income is so enormous?
Many wonder with all sincerity now, reading this: “Well… a banker and a worker, they cannot be compared! The banker — the head of the Bank, he has power over money, and is well-connected. And we are ordinary people, having no power or clout. Naturally, the banker lives better than we do.
Meanwhile, there is nothing “natural” here. The point is that everyone got used to this state of affairs and takes it as a matter of course. People believe that this is the way of the world, that a banker has to live better and it cannot be otherwise. But in reality things are different and the situation can be changed!!
But yet, why? Why does the banker work less, but live better? Better than a factory worker, miner, oil rigger, or woodcutter? Because the banker has always got money. Exactly! It’s all about money! MONEY! This is the whole point, the cornerstone! And about it, we should talk in more details.
If money is a measure of labour, why is the world unjust?
So, what is money? Have you ever thought about it? May be it is a calculation tool or a measure of labor? As we are told from childhood, we have to work, work and work, because money won’t fall down from the sky. It should be honestly and hardly earned! Everyone was led to believe it from the cradle. It’s interesting, what would billionaires say to that? Who honestly and hardly earned all their billions. It’s ridiculous, isn’t it?
Well, we work without cease. But what should we expect in the end? Low wages and pensions, and no rest, but a constant struggle with debts. And half-starved old age… You have spent all your life, working for billionaires, you have been taken away all your power, energy and health, you’ve been squeezed like a lemon, and after that you’ve been just thrown into the dustbin as a write-off.
Is it right? But that’s the world. This horrific reality of the modern society. This is what we should all expect in the end almost certainly; everything ends up in this way for the vast majority of people in today’s world. As it ended up for their mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers … As it will end up, in the present state of affairs, for their children and grandchildren … great-grandchildren … Then, in their turn, for their children and grandchildren … And so on … That’s the way of the world.
Why? All of this is wrong, unfair! It must not exist! Why do some people have everything, but others have nothing? Why do some people walk in golden slippers, but the others barely make ends meet? They don’t know how to feed their children, although all of them “work honestly”. Why does it happen?! Yet we are all the people. We are “equal”, aren’t we? Then why?!
Because there is a lie around us. A huge, continuous, monstrous, embellishing lie. Do not believe anything that is broadcasted daily on TV by satiated and well-groomed masters of life.
And people are not equal, and the money is not even a measure of labor. All of this is an insolent and shameless lie. We are surrounded by lie! And still most people trust it all and continue to live in the unfair and unjust world. Why do they cheat you? Just to make it easier to control you.
Is everyone of us equal? It’s nonsense!
Imagine yourself as a billionaire now. Or even as an ordinary worthless member of the parliament. Are you equal? In what? You live in a different way, eat in a different way, and rest in a different way. In one day he spends more than you spend for a year! His wife is wearing underclothes more expensive than the whole wardrobe of your wife… He is treated in the best Swiss clinics. And what about you? His children and yours.. Have you compared? Well, where is your “equality”?
Perhaps, you are equal in the rights, aren’t you? Oh, but we forgot about the rights. As it is written in the Constitution of different countries, isn’t it? But let’s try to find out, what kind of “equal” rights do we have with oligarchs or bankers? Just curious!
The right to work? Well, we have such a right. However some really work for peanuts, whereas the others hardly do anything, earning millions and billions. Is it normal?
The right to elect and to be elected? Hmm … Well, you can elect, of course, you’re welcome. And what about “to be elected”? Here’s quite different story. To take part in election campaigns you need a lot of money. And where is it coming from? You will never earn it as a typical worker. Therefore in government there are the people who have extensive financial stock. It’s problematic to participate in the elections for an average person and there’s no way to win.
In fact, people are not equal in anything. A constantly progressing social inequality — here’s the real picture!
So, what is money?
Now we move on to money. Of course, money is not any “measure of labor”. These are fairy tales for idiots. Otherwise you would live like a lord. Or maybe you don’t work much enough? Unfortunately, money is just a tool to hold all of us in slavery. We are all slaves. Slaves of money. More precisely, we are slaves of those, who print money. They are our masters.
In fact, nothing has been changed at all during all these centuries on Earth. We have been living so far in the slave-owning system, which has undergone merely external transformations. Everything has become just more civilized and sophisticated. If anciently slaves had real shackles — rusty and steel, then today they are merely invisible, though they still exist. We don’t seem to have them, and can go wherever we want. There are no shackles, we are supposedly free! However, things are different. It is money that is our shackles in the modern world.
In practice none of us is free. “Freedom” is an illusion. Money — that’s the point! We are really nothing without money. We need a home, clothes, food and cannot live in a cave and even go hunting, we need money now. It is necessary to have money everywhere! Because everything around us is just for money. You cannot make a single step without it! But where can we find money? Maybe to earn it?
Have you ever wondered that it is immoral to trade yourself? That it is a kind of prostitution to sell your own strengths, brains, time… What is the difference from the trading your own body? Well, but you will object that people have to work. If everybody would stop doing his job, what’s going to happen then?! We will resettle in a cave again, won’t we?
That’s ridiculous. The same “convincing” arguments could be heard for sure in the slave society, when the slaveholders had been trying to make understand their slaves, who, for some reason, didn’t want to work for them, and asked different questions. And later, the same arguments the landlords told their serfs clearly and confidently: “After all, if you stop working, what’s going to happen then?! Our society will collapse! And we will die of hunger!!!”
Yes, it is necessary to work, to create something useful for the society. Otherwise the society will degrade and die. But firstly, we have to work voluntarily, not for a bowl of soup and not only in order to survive; we have to do what we like!
And secondly, while we are on the subject, once it is necessary to work — it is necessary for everyone. All people are equal, aren’t they? So let everybody work. The situation, when some people earn money (in the mines, at the factory, wasting their effort and health!) while others simply print it (sitting back and sipping an exotic cocktail), is abnormal. Such a situation is not acceptable in principle. And there are no “explanations” and excuses to this state of affairs. Absolutely!
Money is just a paper, candy wrappers, which is not backed by anything tangible and, according to that, money is simply printed unrestrictedly, to anyone’s heart’s content. And then these candy wrappers are distributed among the slaves (among the likes of us) as “wages for labor”. When we are given an extra wrapper (our salary is increased) — we are happy. Are you shocked? Alas, that’s our bitter reality.
The whole financial world is a pyramid!
How is the financial world organized? It is a pyramid. The Fed the U.S. Federal Reserve System is at the top of it. The Fed create dollars. How much? As much as they want! Of course, Fed adhere to some of their own internal rules and regulations; they try, for example, not to create too many dollars to prevent complete devaluation of the currency, and etc. But in principle the Fed can create as many dollars as they want. At least, there are no any external limitations for that. Absolutely! The U.S. Fed are guided solely by the reasons of expediency.
The lower levels of this global pyramid are the central banks of different countries; all other local national banks are situated on even lower levels. (Of course, all of this is slightly simplified, but in general everything reflects an overall picture). Actually, why do we need banks? Speaking figuratively, banks play the role of blood vessels in the social organism. Through these vessels the money (blood) from the heart (the Central Bank) enters all its organs. Money (blood) wash these organs, it brings life to them!.. Such an interesting comparison:-))
In which connection are dollars mentioned here? And what relation do the Fed have to us, ordinary people? Basically, the most direct relation! After all, dollar is the global currency. No one Central Bank can print its currency in desirable quantity without permission of the U.S. Fed! It is out of question! By no means! As soon as some country supplied its resources to the USA for a billion dollars (exchanged its actual raw stock for a wagon of colored pieces of paper with the pictures of great American presidents), then it will be allowed to print the local currency in the amount of billion dollars. Now it is permitted, and this is the only way. Otherwise, such a country will be turned out from the IMF, its currency will become inconvertible and so on. In short, the measures will be taken immediately.
And yet, why does a banker live better than a worker? We still have no answer! He prints money, and a worker, for example, builds houses or works in mining industry. It is also very important. Does the banker work harder and give more benefits to the society? Of course not. Then why does he live better?
And one more interesting question in addition. I have been working and working, completing the whole plan, with a clear conscience, daily — from morning to night, for public benefit. As it seems, I have been doing my best. But anyway I can’t pay off the loans. And all my friends are in the same situation. Is it normal? It is obviously wrong and unfair! This is eternal credit bondage. Why do we always owe money to anyone? Why are we all-time bank debtors?!
In short, they make fools of the common people. As usual — nothing new. The rich take advantage of the fact that we, simple hard workers, don’t have time to figure out all these tricky schemes, we have to feed our families. That’s why they take advantage of this situation.
How do banks deceive people?
Let’s figure out quietly and without haste. But you have to strain your brains. It’s not easy to unravel in a couple of minutes those things which have been tangled during the centuries by the best sophisticated minds of mankind, seeking only wealth accumulation for their personal needs.
Let’s make an example. Let it be Adam and Steven. And let it be Leonard, a banker of Adam and Steven. They both keep their money in his bank. Adam really wants to buy ….well, let’s say, Steven’s bicycle. But he has no money. More precisely, he has money, but not enough — only $10, while Steven wants as much as $100 for his precious bicycle. That is a problem!
What is Adam going to do? He gives Steven his $10 as a deposit and asks not to sell the bike to anyone. He says that he will bring the remaining sum soon. In the meantime he runs to his bank, to the respected Leonard, to get a loan for the missing $90.
As ill luck would have be, Leonard has no money at this moment, but he knows perfectly about $10, which Adam gave Steven. And where will Steven bring this money to? That’s right, he will put these $10 in his lovely bank, to the same Leonard. Therefore Leonard asks Adam to come back tomorrow. In the hope that tomorrow he will get these $10.
And everything happens in this way. The next day Steven brings $10 to the bank, the bank provides Adam these $10 on credit. Adam immediately gives them Steven, who again puts them in a bank, the bank again provides Adam these $10 on credit, etc. As long as Adam the fool will gather enough money for the bicycle.
So what do we have in the end? Adam finally got the bike from Steven, but at the same time Adam owes $90 the bank (Leonard), and the bank, in its turn, owes $100 Steven.
In other words, those $10, which were existed initially, have magically turned into $200 ($190 of debts plus real $10)!
(But these $10 would also turn into a thousand dollars. Even in a million or a billion! If the purchase was more expensive. In that case our $10 would make the increasing number of its cycles, circuits from hands to hands. That’s just the procedure!)
So, what happens in today’s world!? It appears that banks also “draw” money without problems?! Not only Fed can produce money, but the banks either! And in fact, these banks multiply money without any control! And we’re still wondering, why does the banker live better? Is it clear now, why? The one, who produces the money, of course, lives better!
But this is not enough! From this moment poor Adam will never be able to repay his debts owed to the bank! No matter how hard he would work. Now he is in slavery to the bank, in credit bondage forever. Because those $90, which he owes to Leonard, do not exist in nature! At all! Sly Leonard made this money out of nothing; he created them out of thin air! Just one click! And $10 turned into $200.
Yes, but you can object reasonably that the bank itself owes $100 to Steven. And it turns out, that bank is in credit bondage to Steven and it won’t be able to repay its debts owed to Steven either. So where is the bank’s profit? What’s the trick?
Ha! You ask what the trick is! This trick is in the fact, that bank has a lot of such “Stevens”, thousands and millions, and they will never come for their money all at once. If one Steven comes, the bank will return him the money of ten other depositors, that’s it. It means that the bank’s debt is neither dangerous nor burdensome. In fact, bank’s debt is virtual, it exists only on the paper or in the computer program. It will never be repaid in reality. Only in case of panic it happens, when frightened “Stevens” suddenly come for their money — all at once! Or maybe you know any other reason why banks go bankrupt from time to time? Here’s why. Because there is no enough money for all depositors! There is a of thin air in the bank vaults.
Thus, the bank is OK. It sails before the wind. We don’t need to worry about it. But our Adam has serious problems now. He has to repay all the debts owed in bank! Completely!! Moreover with interests and, possibly, penalties. He will be forced to take new credits in order to repay the old ones. Then again the new loan… and again… and again… endlessly, until his death! And there is no way out of this credit running knot. It does not exist in principle! That’s it! Trap has been slammed. Now Adam is a perpetual debtor of the bank. He is a slave. From now on he will work for the bank for years on end… Until he dies. But still he won’t repay the debts. And after his death his children and grandchildren will work for this bank. They all are the future servants of banks. More precisely, they are servants of this inefficient and unfair global financial system, which spawned this ruthless and inhuman mechanism. And this mechanism must be finally destroyed.
A new fair financial system will be established!
Financial Apocalypse! That’s the only thing that can break our financial chains and save us all. Release us finally from the continuous slavery. Everything old will burn in its fire and the new will appear. The Fed will be removed from power and will no longer develop social inequality. The banks as they are now will simply disappear. They will stop robbing the people. In fact the banks do not produce anything useful. What useful can they do? Give credits at plundering interests? As a result all the population is burdened with debts.
Why do the banks get interests for the credit at all? Have you ever thought about it? Usury was always despised by all nations, and now it is legalized. Why? If a person takes a loan in the bank, then not for nothing, but to do something good, to realize some project. But he applies his efforts for the welfare of the society including bankers. Making something useful for all of us. We should encourage such people, making discounts but not collecting from them huge interests!
Nevertheless, modern banks were created for other purposes. They aren’t interested in the society but in their own goals. People aren’t important for them. Modern banks are loyal servants of the Fed, hypocritical agents, misusing the products of labor of common people. The current financial system is merely destructing us. And it will continue attacking us, and then our children and grandchildren. It will get even worse if nothing changes. We will destroy the existing financial system and build new — fair and honest! We have no other choice. We are not slaves. We are people. And we choose freedom!
And this freedom is almost here already. Now, thanks to MMM financial Apocalypse is inevitable. Unavoidable! Since now it’s just the question of time. The seed was dropped. And it would grow. It’s already growing. Right now, at this moment! It will not perish!
What does MMM stand for?
MMM is a Global Mutual Aid Fund, World people’s Bank, Financial Social Network — or any definition whatsoever. The point is not in the title. The bottom line is that this is a voluntary informal association of millions and millions of people throughout the Earth, rebelled against the financial slavery, chose to declare war against the Fed and banks. (And to win this war!!) And for this aim they have consolidated their capital — even though there are small amounts, owing to a great number, that is millions of people, it’s already the power. Awesome and invincible power, growing every day!
Well how do banks exist? Thanks to bankers? Billionaires? No, due to the same ordinary people who deposit their modest savings there. MMM takes the wind out of banks’ sails making people see the reality. Why do the people bring their money to the banks at the exorbitant interests? Because they have no other choice. Banks are monopolists: there is no other place to bring money to. All banks are just the same, and controlled by the FED. They simply destroy ordinary people.
And now we have an alternative — MMM! It’s something close to our hearts! Here people help each other. Today you help and tomorrow you will be helped. It’s the main principle of MMM. Do you really want bankers to buy another limousine or house for your money? You should not become another slave. Better join MMM and your money will help those who really need it! Poor people, retirees, disabled people…Woman with many children. Love thy neighbour! Help him.
It’s a kind of common storage box where people save their money and then take it when needed. The amount you need at the certain moment. (They do not steel but namely take money)!
Actually, people don’t need a lot of money. They need consciousness that they have it. Confidence in tomorrow’s day is what everybody really needs. It is just MMM that gives this confidence! It gives a feeling of partnership, that you aren’t alone! At the difficult moment you will never be abandoned but you will always be helped and supported! MMM is a unit of new society, brighter and better. New world, where there won’t be money. Current money. Where everything will be otherwise… Fair and honest. Where there won’t be any slaves or owners. Where everybody will work for their own pleasure and for the whole society. Where Good will defeat Evil! It will be so! There are no doubts!!
Welcome to the System! Together we will change the world!


俄罗斯企业家、金融家、前杜马议员Sergey Mavrodi谢尔盖马夫罗季先生(1955.8.11-2018.3.26)于2011年2月创立MMM金融互助社区,次年改为MMM全球互助基金。迄今全球参与者超过2.5亿,遍及118个国家和地区。
2)“金钱是劳动力的衡量物” ,我们从小就这样被灌输。然而,现实却是辛苦了一辈子,大多数人都会在贫困中了此残生!我们的子孙也会如此。报纸、电视台整天歌功颂德;宪法里美好的规定,无不鼓舞人心!你的确有工作权和选举权,可是,你打工,是在为老板卖命;没钱,谁选举你?普通民众与政客和金融大亨能平起平坐吗?别再相信这样的无耻谎言了!
普通老百姓把微薄的收入存入银行,因为别无选择!现在李四们终于有了选择:MMM是为普通百姓而创立的。在MMM人们互相帮助。今天你提供帮助 – 明天你会得到帮助――这是MMM的原则。你可以将钱存入银行,成为下一个奴隶,也可以把钱存入MMM,帮助那些需要帮助的人。
人并不需要很多钱,最重要的是要对未来充满信心。 MMM能给予你这种信心,会给你雪中送炭!MMM是一种全新的、更明亮,更清晰的社会:充满了诚实和公正,没有钱,没有奴隶,也没有主人;大家都享受着工作的乐趣,为社会利益而服务。








Brand-book — The official company document, which brand concept describes the attributes of the brand, target audience, positioning the company, and other information that guide the marketing and business executives department for the construction of communication with customers and the development of the company as a whole. In addition, the brand-book contains a complete guide to corporate identity, which includes a detailed description of the use of each corporate member on various media as advertising and corporate. Brand-book – a description of the main elements of the brand identity and attributes (essence, position, mission, philosophy, values, personality). The purpose of this document is to systematize all the ideological elements of the brand, creating a comprehensive picture formed brand, as well as detailed guidance on its use in order to create a holistic brand perception by consumers.



Marketing Kit (English marketing kit.) is a set of marketing materials that sell not just a product or service, and the company’s history. Marketing kit is a way to demonstrate to potential customers, clients, partners, suppliers what the difference between the company from its competitors is.
We believe that marketing kit is a series of documents, which can be very flexible and personalized, should contain the story of which way the MMM Community went to find its niche.