Partial Allocation Upon PH Request

Dear participants! We often receive your questions about creating orders while providing help.
The two questions which often arouse the interest of the participants are:

  • Why don’t they receive orders for the full amount of the Provide Help request?
  • When will they get an order for the remaining sum and have the request confirmed?

We have decided to clarify these issues for everyone. Here’s the answer:
Making orders not for the full amount upon the Provide Help request is normal. This  step is taken in the context of the fight against frauds.
After having paid the control payment, you will receive first the order for the partial amount only (usually around 50%). It works like the second control payment. Those who have paid it are already absolutely reliable participants of our mutual aid Community. Please note that the second control payment is only one, and there are no any subsequent payments.
Thus you provide help in three stages:

  1. The first control payment (5%-10% of PH amount)
  2. The second control payment (about 50% of PH amount)
  3. The remaining PH amount in your PH request

As a result, the participants who previously became the cheaters’ victims via Get Help requests are being automatically matched with new senders from the list of participants, who made the second control payment, and who we are respectively confident in. Thus, people don’t encounter frauds several times in a row.

  • At present, the measure is introduced by us everywhere — in all the countries. We first tested it in several states before implementing it universally. It has been working well in practice.
  • Participants have no harm from this measure — only benefits. The remainder of the order comes quite quickly, therefore, the waiting period of the request confirmation is practically not extended due to this measure. Besides, the Mavro growth rate still has been growing all this time (and it is the most important! Isn’t it? :-)).

MMM develops and we are constantly improving the methods of dealing with frauds. We want to make the participation in the Community convenient and safe for everyone. Join MMM, get 30% per month, and create a fair world!
Justice, kindness and honesty are no longer a myth or fantasy in the modern world, MMM made them a reality! Together, we will change the world!!! Long live MMM and Sergey Mavrodi!!!

The MMM Africa enrolls new students for Guider’s School.

The MMM Africa enrolls new students for Guider’s School. Each member of the Community from any African country can apply for this school, pass the course and become a guider in MMM. Being a guider you can get a lot of opportunities: to register new members through your Personal Office, to create your own multi-level structure and to receive guider’s bonuses from all the contributions of your downliners.

Guider’s School was found to prepare leaders who know and share the values of MMM and who are able to attract new members online and offline. The School lasts for 10 days and is conducted remotely over the Internet. Daily meetings are held where participants share with their experience and achievements. Guider’s School will teach you how to attract participants in social networks, how to make promotional pictures, how to record a high-quality video, how to create your own blogs and websites, and a lot of other essential information.
But the most important – Guider’s School graduates will know the ideas of the Community and, consequently, they will represent the System for potential participants – their relatives, friends, colleagues in real life and friends in social networks – in the right way. Also, the students will be able to take part in training games, where they will use their knowledge in practice, learn to work in a team and demonstrate their attitude to the Community.
Remember it is absolutely free of charge! All it is needed to graduate the school is your desire and time.
Good luck: become leaders, get referral and leader bonuses from the participants you attract, and develop the Community!

As MMM makes a comeback, here are 5 ways to get yourself prepared

It’s been three long weeks since MMM Nigeria announced its one-month shutdown that caused social media frenzy and real life commotion among participants and observers across the country.
But sanity is about to return as MMM Nigeria promises to unfreeze accounts in 10 days. The scheme is already preparing members for the almighty comeback by asking them to promote the scheme online and offline to foster the development of the MMM community.
As 14 January, the proposed return date approaches, here are 5 ways to prepare for what’s to come:
Be alert: Just because anything can happen, we advise that you ‘stay woke’. If you have frozen cash, be one of the first to ‘Get Help’. Out of panic, a lot of members will be ‘getting help’ and others will be reluctant to ‘provide help in return’. So try as much as you can to ‘get help’, cash out and watch how events turn out before you put your money back in.
Read between the lines: The notice that announced the freeze of the scheme in December partly reads, “We need to prevent any problems during the New Year season“. This is explicit. Forget the attempt at keeping members calm, it’s the New Year and there will be problems. So if you’re one of those setting money aside to invest or reinvest in the scheme, we pray that you will receive wisdom.
Keep your heart healthy: This is especially for those who have frozen cash running into millions. Truth is: You may not get your money back. For now though, we are sure you’re still very hopeful, drawing a budget for how you will spend or invest the cash this 2017. Keep in mind that the return may be a total crash, in actual sense. No point mincing words, you’ll be devastated when this happens so the common sense thing to do is to eat and live healthy because your heart is at stake.
Preach the Gospel of MMM: Too many people are pessimistic about the scheme as it is now. When it returns, they will take our first advice above, run and never look back. But in a country of over 140 million people, Mavrodi will be super proud of you if you keep the scheme alive and strong by introducing it to new people. MMM will continue to survive as long as Nigerians keep pumping money into it so take on the responsibility of spreading the word, over the next 10 days.
Bants and memes will be live: This is in the event of a crash. Hell will be let loose on social media, especially Twitter NG. Observers who are waiting for the monumental fall of MMM will begin to share torturous tweets as 14 January nears, members who have thin skins will get extra defensive and when the pyramid eventually comes tumbling down (we’re not saying it will though),  there will be madness.


📱   一部手机,一个微信
☕  一杯茶,一个wifi
🚶   人在哪里,工作就在哪里
📲   手机在哪里,事业就在哪里
🌴   自由自在,适合上班的你
⚽  更适合不想上班的你
💃   适合白领的你,带孩子的你,
💰   也适合做微商的你,


中国自2015年4月份3M进驻以后,历时一年有余。一年多来3M风风雨雨,攻击者有之!投机者有之!收益者有之!模仿者有之!众云者有之!参与者有喜有愁,有乐有疼!半年内三次重启! 过往的经历,再也不敢回首。心中的苦辣酸甜咸五味俱有。
在3M里,就像一个军营,走过了多少人?依然健在!去年高峰期,参与账号达900万之众!QT会议10万之众以上人气,场面宏伟! 第三次重启之后,己过近200天了。3M依然活着。
MMM是什么?资金盘?互助项目?投资项目?理财项目? 当初参与的目的,谁不是看好月利息30%吗?
3M只是一个可能,它的理想是打破金融垄断,人人实现财富自由,建立一个公正,公平,诚信守实的新世界! 月收益30%,日增长为1%! 这是3M点燃欲望的导火索!
3M仁者见仁,智者见智! 你敢于做出一个倾家荡产的决定去赌,那你就得有承担这个后果的心理准备! 你用不等急用的资金去参与,你也不必去计效什么时候出场。 你用闲钱去参与,你必然心中淡然!
3M今非昔比! 3M一年多不关网,不跑路 依然是让那些陌生人之间提供资金帮助,牵线搭桥! 3M不会因为你的离开而消失,也不会因为你的参与而跑路!
3M依然在! 信不信由你! 起床了,太阳升起来 不起床,太阳照样升起来!雨天,即使你看不到太阳,太阳依然在! 把住贪欲!理性参与,才能心中淡定,淡然! 确实怕了,选择远离,眼不见,心不烦! 生活宁静各自安好!


💗 不推开一扇门
💗 怎么会认识一群人
💗 有时候一个选择
💗 就改变了你一生的圈子
💗 不要抱怨你的现状
💗 有很多人不敢尝试改变
💗 那么你的生活就只能是原来的样子
💗 加油✨2017已经来临
💗 MMM,一直在这里




       正是因为太多的3M会员沒有遵循平台理念!投机之风盛行..造成的。 如果M MM参与者人人悟透3M理念,会重启吗?3M互助平台2015年4月进入中国至今,仍然可以说是新生事物,但凡新生事物,其发展之路必然不会平坦,我们不能把重启的责任归罪于平台,而更多的责任,又可尝不是会员自己呢?而平台为何要重启,如果你是老马,又该如何?





注:每个时期都有每个时期的困难和目标!困难只有一个,解决办法却有千万条!所有的问题相信平台都会解决的!我们唯一要做的就是:用非关键资金理性参与,记住:  相信自己,没有恐慌,不相信谣言,积极用非关键资金排单,闲钱参与帮助,永远就立于必胜之地!