其实任何机构都有危险以及风险!但我们告知所有参与者,在这个互助系统中没有承诺和保证,参与者可能得不到自己相应的马夫罗,不可抗拒的情况随时会发生。但是可能性很小,不过还是有存在的可能。 根据情况,马夫罗的数量和种类也可能改变。但只有在极端情况下我们才会采取这种措施。 参与者在参与过程中可能会受到系统的保护机制的影响—-“暂停模式”和“重新启动”。
事实上,我们诚实详细地描述了现有的、可预测的所有风险,这是MMM系统的一个巨大优势。这确认了系统所有的诚意及其最大的透明度。 所有参与者加入系统前必须了解可能存在的风险。 如果他怀疑,他有权不参加。没有作弊,诚信为本! 这是非常重要的!因为只有这样,加入的人才能得到全面和准确的信息。如果此人不想加入他就不会这么做。 所有的参与者加入我们社区,都是建立在自愿的基础上,并充分了解了mmm的运作机制与规则。
为了在随时可能发生的不可抗拒的情况时避免对你产生不利的影响,我们建议你仅仅用你非 关键资金参与。不需要投入你已经有使用规划的资金或出售财产。 用你的闲散资金参与。如果有闲钱就帮助别人。不需要立即做大量存款。 更好的办法是:定期地提供小数额的援助。
因为,MMM是一个社会性的金融网络,它的运作完全取决于参与者的行为和他们之间的关系。 这项目不是一个网络营销计划,也称之为HYIP (High Yield Investment Program) 即高收益投资方案,HYIP所有的风险都源于参与者的行为。 没别的了! 将来MMM系统的参与者将不会恐慌(这可能是完全不同的因素),即存款人将不会亏钱,不管是现在还是在未来,社区将达到一个新的高度,期待已久的金融变革将会发生。
为开发该系统我们进行各种活动和竞赛,使参与系统的人得到更多的有益的体验和令人感兴趣的过程。 参加比赛不仅令人得到愉快的体验,而且有益身心健康。每次比赛是完全不同的,也是不断变化的,让人们感觉成为社会金融网络的成员是多么有趣的一件事。
该团队的目标是尽量多吸引到能拿出50美元存款的新会员 (311元多)及以311元以上。
奖励: 第一名 – 为5人团队每一位奖励250美元
第二名 – 为5人团队每一位奖励200美元
第三名 – 为5人团队每一位奖励150美元
—–最佳的MMM解译。 在这里的参与者要发挥想象力。要解译MMM每个字母”M”的意思,可以有许多不同的解读,但希望能够找到更好的以及更有趣的解释!这种比赛,互助系统的每个成员都可以参与。赢家将获得丰厚的财政奖励。这项比赛不会消失!
—–善事大赛。 相互援助是整个MMM系统的核心价值! 因此,MMM管理人员决定举行一个善事竞争。社区的每个成员都可以参加比赛。 你事先应该录制善事视频或照片,并用一个特别形式发送给管理人员。 你需要做善事并且分享它们。 那么世界将变得更加美好。
赢家将得到最喜欢的照片类和最喜欢的视频类奖品。奖品金额最高为5 000美元。
什么是善事呢? 就是提供援助给那些有迫切需要的人。例如,你收集的资金为了帮助儿童治疗。 访问附近的孤儿院,给儿童分发礼物。 如果你没有什么物资资助,你可以花时间与孩子们在一起玩,给与他们一些关怀,这就是一件善事。
如果你能竭尽所能帮助他人那就请帮助他,但是不要希望也会有人为你这么做! 你们帮助了别人,MMM给你提供帮助! 在MMM发展的过程中,竞赛数量将越来越多,它们将越来越有趣!
如何吸引参与者?—— 推荐链接和邀请
假如说你邀请的人叫云,注册时云在邀请一栏填上你的信息。从这一刻起,你就成为他的推荐人。 你将获得云的推荐奖金。
按邀请注册如下: 邀请新的参与者加入系统时,让他在注册邀请栏里填上你的信息,在这种情况下注册的参与者将显示在你的MMM用户中心,点击”参加者”中的推荐人就可以看到他的信息,这样你就可以获得他投资的推荐奖金!
在MMM用户中心中怎么得到你的邀请? 如果你需要邀请Yun(如果这个名称仍然可以使用)该怎么做呢? 收到邀请后进入用户中心的”我的页面” 在”邀请”字段指定具体文字,并在该页下方确定点击了”保存”,自那以后你的邀请是在MMM用户中心中注册的。
点击使用你的推荐链接的人将被自动锁定到MMM的注册页面,通过注册,他自动成为你推荐的人。因此,你可以从他所有的投资额中获得推荐奖金。 简而言之,只要你用自己的推荐链接去推广,任何人点击这个链接进入注册网页, 你都将被自动地定为他的引用者(推荐人)。 即使暂时他没有注册,但是过了一个星期或两个星期。。。。都没有关系! 你就是他的引用者。 在你的用户中心 ,“我的页面”,“引用者”部分或在“参加者推荐人”里面。你就可以找到推荐链接。 你需要做的就是点击“查看我的推荐链接”,然后在新窗口复制链接。
如果一个人被邀请进入该系统后,至少有10人跟随他高兴地参加这个系统,一个充满光明和未来的系统,那么他就会自动变成”十组经理”。 如果他的团队达到了100个人,那么他就会成为一个百组经理,,如果他的团队达到了1000个人他就叫千组经理。 在这种情况下,如果参与者很积极地吸引了约10 000个人将称为一万组经理,再进一步是十万组经理。但鉴于社区是不断发展的,现在甚至已经有人成为了百万组经理。
如果邀请了很多人,除了推荐的奖金还有什么奖金? (虽然你只需推荐的奖金就可以成为一个有钱的人),参与者会根据他的头衔收到另外的奖金。
我的意思是,如果一个组的成员投入100美元,那么十组经理将自动得到5美元的奖金。 但是,十组经理不会得到100马夫罗,其来自于十组的成员账户的推荐奖金。 (他自己的推荐奖金十组经理,当然就像任何系统的其他有权获得按通常的规则)
2、百组经理得到他百组所有存款的1%。 (除了自己的十组,在哪里已经收到了5%)。
3、千组经理获得他千组所有存款的0.5%。 (除了自己的十组和百组)。
5、十万组经理及以上的—他组所有存款的0.1%。 (类似于前几项,除了自己下部结构)。
奖金自动地计算,在十组经理、百组经理、千组经理、一万组经理的用户中心里面,用马夫罗计算。 此外,你的地位将表现出在用户中心中为特别标签。 这是一种视觉的促进。 通常最薄弱的标志性动物是松鼠,然后是狼、黑豹、老鹰、狮子、最后是龙。
正常的–30% 。典型类型。每月的增长速度30%。在(解冻后的)任何时间你可以提现。每周二和周四上午 8 点(北京时间)结算马夫罗利息。
推荐人将从每个被推荐人投资中收到10%奖金。被推荐人已经提供了帮助,两周之后马夫罗已被确认了你就可以提取奖金。 你可以通过推荐链接或MMM邀请码(代码字)邀请一位新会员加入,你将得到每位新会员的奖金,但是只是新注入的资金你才会有奖金。 例如,如果他提供了帮助为1000人民币,你将得到奖金为100人民币。 如果他提现了1500人民币,然后又提供了帮助2000人民币,你的奖金计算公式为:(10001500+2000=1500)即为1500人民币,最后是按1500人民币来计算你的奖金的,奖金将只有150人民币,而不是200人民币。
2)管理奖金 +5%、3%、1%、0.25%。
O 5% –为那些谁指定了你为他的领导人。
O 3% –为那些谁指定你的参与者为领导人。
O 依次类推。
例如,如果你是光明的经理,光明是晓明的经理,晓明是约瑟夫的经理,你会得到光明存款的5% ,会得到晓明存款的 3%,会得到约瑟夫存款的 1%。如果有人是约瑟夫下面的会员,你会从他那里得到0.25%等。
高级的领导人奖金+ 7%、5%、3%、1%、0.5%、0.3%、0.1%、0.05%、0.03%、0.01 %(所有较低层也是0.01%奖金)。那些通过MMM领导人素质培训合格者可以获得这样 的奖金。奖金是多层的,层的数量是没有限制的。 一个存款获得推荐奖金和经理奖金加在一起。对所有参与者来讲,最高奖金为15%(10%+5 %),17%(10%+7%)是为那些MMM领导人培训的合格者准备的。
3)注册奖金 + 20美元,+50美元或 + 100 美元。
在注册过程中,参加者将会获得从20 美元到100美元不等的注册奖金。只要会员首次存款,我们就把这笔奖金给予他 们 !
O +20美元奖金如果你已经存款了50美元至499美元之间。奖金将被冻结两周。如果提前提现,奖金将被取消。
O +50美元奖金如果你投资了500美元至2999美元之间。这奖金将 被冻结了一个月。
O 你如果要获得+100美元的注册奖金,需要在存款3000美元以上。这奖金也被冻结一个月。
关于冻结:就是说如果你提前申请得到帮助,你会失去注册奖金,但所有存款的利息 我们将支付给你。
4)视频奖金 在“幸福信”里的得到帮助为+5%或+3%视频奖金。
每名参与者得到援助后,一定要发送一封“幸福信”。如果你把视频附加到这封信里,参与者将收到相应的奖金。在每封 “幸福信”里我们计算视频的奖金。
O 如果你要获得帮助款5%的奖金视频里必须出现了你的脸并听到你的声音而且视频里要出示你收到钱的凭证。
O 如果你要获得帮助款3%的奖金你录制确认提款的视频里不需要出现你的脸,只要在屏幕上展示你的MMM用户中心和获得帮助的凭证(就是银行账户清单或网上银行清单)。
所有参与者都有机会参加抽奖。抽奖时间是每周三上午7:00至8:00 (俄罗斯时间)。 你无需投入资金就可参加抽奖。只需在周三上午7点前,在用户中心的彩票页面挑选6 个号码。那些猜中了2个或多个数字的参与者即可拿到奖品。
每次抽奖的总奖金为5000美元。 其中1000美元是平均分配给那些猜到了相同数字的人。例如,如果100个人已经猜到了3个数字,那么他们每人都将获得10美元(=1,000美元 /100)。如果10人已经猜到了2个数字,每人将获得100美元。 如果没有人猜中,这些奖金将积累形成累加奖。例如,如果没有人猜中6个号码,累加奖将增加1000美元。累加奖是分配给那些猜中了6个号码的人。
系统内的所有的交易通过“用户中心”进行(Personal Office)。一旦你在MMM系统已经成功注册,你就可以进入你的“用户中心”获得和提供帮助。如果你想提供帮助给对方,就需要你点击“提供帮助”,并指定要帮助的金额。在此之后,你的请求将被发送到系统控制器。它将会有对应的数据显示哪个或哪些会员需要帮助,然后匹配给你,你把钱汇到对方的接款账户就OK了。所有这一切都是非常快速而简单的。
如果你想要得到帮助,情况类似,只是相反。你点击 “获得帮助”,选择你得到帮助的数额,调度员就会接收和发送获得帮助信息给愿意提供帮助的人。而匹配给你的MMM会员也会把钱汇款到你提供的详细的收款账户中。
你可以轻松地与提供帮助的人联系,或者跟要得到帮助的人联系。它都是透明的! 重要的是要认识到MMM没有任何中央账户,所有的钱只是在会员之间存转,所以从理论上来讲,会员的钱是不可能被偷盗。这是一个事实,即MMM 是一个社会的金融网络。
提供援助变为“马夫罗”—– MMM虚拟货币,每月增长速度30%!马上注册后,你将有机会获得每个月你所提供的援助金额的30%的利息。值得注意的是,这个每个月百分之三十的收益是世界上任何一家银行都不能比拟的!(今天银行的运作比MMM的运作更加地不稳定)。在MMM里,最低汇款金额是10美元,最高的是 10000美元。如果你立即决定提供帮助,你的马夫罗数量就会等于你汇款的数量。
新手大多都觉得MMM是社会网络收入的一种方式。让我们来看看MMM到底是什么。现在许多人都在寻找不费一点力气就能够赚钱的机会。然而,很显然,这样的赚钱方法要么是通过日常工作付出赚取每一分钱,要么是欺诈。而MMM是实际收入 —— 再简单不过了!
我们没有出售任何东西 —没有物品,没有精美的煎锅。互联网能给企业带来什么?没有别的 ,就是钱,更多的钱!你觉得奇怪吗?但这是事实!存款的多少,由你自己决定—它会返还给你。钱可以从互联网中获取。这是一个事实。
在互联网上没有投资就没有收入,这也是事实!如果你想让你的钱增长,让钱生钱,你可以选择在互联网上投资。你可以自己决定投资多少(甚至还可以得到奖金)。在这里没有别的法令约束你:你在网上的收入由你自己来决定。 好了,现在不要说你没有听到可以在互联网上赚钱的生意,也不要说现在你还不知道在互联网上能赚取大量资金——因为它是真实的!
你是不是一直在寻找一种方法让你成为你生活、时间、金钱的主人?那么我把在互联网上最好的盈利方式介绍给你 就在这里!这就是MMM互助社区。 MMM网站注册会员不到一分钟。你只需要填写电子邮件,电话号码,在系统中的昵称。一切都是针对新手而设定的,所以任何人注册都没有障碍!
钱 !不是最主要的,最主要的事情是—–认识到“我有钱”!
Announcement on Restart of MMM SA
Unfortunately, the persecution against MMM organized by the mass media has provoked a panic. We have been working in South Africa for almost 2 years and we have millions of members. During all that time, we had no complaints and accusations from participants, everything was paid to everyone in time and in full amount, by 30% per month. We held charity events and helped children. We did a lot of useful things for people! Well, who was suffering from this?
“The bankers and the adherents of the current unjust financial system. That is why they planned and brought all these crazy investigations and persecution in the mass media. “The only thing which prevents the investigation is the fact that non of the participants reported to the police”. If there are no complaints, and everybody is happy, then what is the investigation for? What is the subject? Did not they understand the consequences? Did not they understand that their irresponsible actions would hurt people? Millions of people! Well, try oppressing any bank, even the most reliable one, in the same way, and see what will happen tomorrow.
“However, it is futile to explain that to them. MMM prevents banks from robbing people, that is the only reason why all this is happening. And nobody cares about people. If we managed to pay millions of participants 30% per month for two years (and would still be paying, if the mass media did not lie about MMM!), why do banks not do the same? Why do they offer only a few percents a year? Make your own conclusions. Thought everything is clear right now. You are simply robbed, we have always been saying it. The modern financial system is predatory by nature. It is not for ordinary people, it is for the bankers. Its purpose is financial slavery! And it achieves this purpose perfectly. In general, in this situation, we have to start all over again. We have no choice. You can see on your own what is happening.
The current (“old”) Mavros are frozen. Any operations with them are impossible. With the development of the system, we will send 10% of the total inflow (of all the PHs) to pay for the “old” Mavro. According to the experience of other countries, we can definitely say that in the normal course of events, all the old Mavro debts will be paid off in about six months.
“New” Mavros (Mavro bought from the moment of this announcement) are introduced. You can use them on a common basis: to ‘acquire’ and ‘withdraw’ them at any time. All of this, of course, is not very nice, but it’s not the end of the world. We will quickly pay off “old” Mavro debts, no doubt about it. You just have to wait. (And anyway, you can thank your precious media and banks for this “gift”!). The best thing you can do is just to start participating again, that is all. And you will quickly return everything, even with a benefit. Moreover, now is the most favorable time to participate and invite: in fact, everything starts from the beginning. So do not miss your chance! :-)) We hope for your understanding,
10 reasons MMM Nigeria will never crash
people donate money directly to each other.
2. There are no investors and no investments in MMM. Money
is not invested in any asset. Money is donated to the other
person. As MMM members donate money, there are no
guarantees that people will be donated back. Everything
depends on the members themselves: they develop the
Community making it sustainable and creating a permanent
process of the exchange of donations.
3. MMM members are rewarded with Mavro after they donate
help to other members of the Community.
4. 30% per month is not an interest rate, but an expected
growth rate of Mavro. Growth rate of Mavro and its amount
can be adjusted at any moment for the benefit of the
5. Mavro is like scores or grades in colleges.
Where do grades come from? Is it possible for grades to be
out of stock? Grades are taken from nowhere. Students get
grades according to their performance. This is the same
withMavros.Mavrois an evaluation of the contribution made by
a participant for the development of the Community.
6. MMM is a self-adjusting Community. The algorithms of
matching senders and receivers and algorithms of Mavro
reward constantly get adjusted and improved.
7. MMM cannot crash because it cannot pay its members.
This is due to the fact that MMM is not a corporation involved
in financial transactions, MMM just connects senders and
8. The main factor in the MMM Community is its members’
behaviour. The aim of MMM is not to make people rich, but to
change their mindset, to encourage people to share what they
have with others. Members should not treat MMM as a money
making scheme.
9. MMM members can choose the time when they provide and
get help. Usually members follow the principle: donate when
you have spare money and ask for money when you need to
buy something for your family. MMM wants to increase the
velocity of money. No need to keep money: share it with
10. MMM wants to emphasise the importance of work and
productive labour. You should work not because you get paid
for that (working just for money is something like selling your
soul or body). People should work consciously and
deliberately for their personal and public benefit.
A biased Review of MMM Nigeria 30% Income – REAL or SCAM?
Although what he was saying seemed too good to be true, I only payed attention to him because it was someone i trust and he probably wanted me to signup through his referral link just so he can reap some benefits from inviting me.
I don’t know about you but i support my friends hustle even if it’s with a small seemingly insignificant amount.
I received the link to Join MMM from him, started the registration process and read everything on the MMM Nigeria website where it explained in clear and simple English that MMM is not a bank which keeps money for you, MMM does not collect members money and keep in one central account, MMM is not an online business that generates revenue, High Yield Investment Scheme or Multilevel marketing. It’s not even a business with physical location, legal backing etc
My first thought was – Whoever wrote that MMM ideology page is a genius that is showing us how the banking system, insurance, pension funds really works by using our money to enrich themselves while still charging us high rates and paying back little interests. is over 5 Years old. I’ve been online long enough to smell a rat (SCAM) miles away and I’ve never participated in schemes like this because it never ends well no matter what name it’s called or business model it adopts.
To make matters worse the history of MMM when searched on Google has nothing good to say about it because the media survives on negative publicity.
Wikipedia and other news publication websites have done a really good job at stating what they claim to be facts about the convicted founder of the failed MMM in Russia where it originated. What they fail to tell you is that the Government and financial institutions want to control you by making sure you always need them to survive.
Your financial freedom will cause them a loss, so they fight always to spread false information about MMM to enslave you and deter you from joining the biggest Mutual aid Movement in the World with presence in over 100 countries.
Type: “MMM PAYS” into Google or Youtube – and see the other side of the story the media don’t show you.
Knowing that he’s got my attention now, he went on to really explain the ideology behind MMM as a community where total strangers help each other with money they’re not using with hopes of being rewarded for the Help they’ve provided to someone.
The best way i can describe MMM is to use a Committee of friends Association or Club as example where they donate a fixed sum to benefit only 1 member each month.
After months of contributing to other members in the Committee of friends, it eventually gets to your turn to benefit from the contribution of others and the sum is always huge.
That’s the same ideology that MMM is built on except that – EVERY MONTH IS YOUR TURN TO BENEFIT 30% from what you’ve also contributed to the community. They call it donating because it’s out of your own freewill – Providing Help (PH) and Getting Help (GH).
Where does the 30%, Referral Bonuses, Guiders Bonuses, Video bonuses come from?
If participants of MMM freely give money to other participants that need help and also get 30% reward from their action, where does the added money come from? and Won’t it collapse when new people stop joining?
The 30% Mavro and other bonuses comes from one source – YOU AND ME: It comes from crowd funding approach which is the same principle the banks and financial institutions use. It’s all about getting more people to come into the community and provide help. Just like the banks.
There’s always someone depositing at the bank and someone withdrawing – the difference is MMM only provides a technical platform where individuals can reach out to one another and provide / receive help from each other DIRECTLY.
MMM does not keep the money in central account and use it to enrich themselves like the bankers do.
Some Critics describe MMM as Robbing Peter to pay Paul but ask yourself, what is the bank doing?
ANSWER: The Banks are robbing PETER AND PAUL at the same time.
Reasons why you should NOT Join MMM Nigeria
The terms and conditions you agree to before joining any program is usually ignored by all of us.
We just click ACCEPT but you might not want to do this for MMM.
If you like the ideology of MMM and Sir Sergey Marvrodi’s life long mission to bridge the gap between rich and poor as pointed out in the first part of this article and you’re thinking of Joining MMM, here’s some rules all users of MMM have to agree with before joining. This can be found on the MMM Warning Page and goes as follows:
– There are no guarantees and promises! Neither explicit nor implicit.
– There are neither investments nor business! Participants help each other, sending each other money directly and without intermediaries. That’s all! There’s nothing more.
– There are no securities transactions, no relationship with the professional participants of the securities market; you do not acquire any securities. (Do you need them? :-))
– There are no rules. In principle! The only rule is no rules. At all! Even if you follow all of the instructions, you still may “lose”. “Win” might not be paid. Without any reasons or explanations.
– And in general, you can lose all your money. Always remember about this and participate only with spare money. Or do not participate at all! Amen. :-))
If you agree to be a honest participant of the MMM Community, to own only 1 account, to provide help with money you’re not currently using, to show kindness and care for other people – read on and Join Me.
This concludes part 1 of the article where I’ve clearly told you what MMM is about and valid reasons why you shouldn’t join this Global Community of Mutual aid fund.
Being fully aware of the Community rules my friend is introducing to me and his advice to only use spare money i don’t mind losing, i decided to give it a try for research purposes only to see how MMM really works.
The How MMM Works
1. Provide help on MMM with a certain and receive reward of Mavro that grows 30% in One month.
2. On maturity (30 days) of 14 days of providing help you request for Help from available Mavro and all money paid within a few hours straight to your bank account.
3. You can choose to provide another help or even provide help multiple times as long as it’s money you’re not using.
4. Sit back and cash out your mavro money every month for helping someone else.
– I have succeeded in executing this plan, that’s why i’m writing this complete article.

I Joined MMM, Confirmed my email and Phone number in MY PAGE menu, entered my Bank details correctly that money should be sent to when i request and offered to Provide help for 2,000 Naira since that’s money i won’t mind losing but my friend informed me that although the 2k is acceptable i won’t qualify to receive the one-time registration bonus if my first Help provided isn’t up to 17,000 Naira.
Registration bonus is $20, $50 and $100 depend on how much help you first provided. This bonus is FIRST TIME Only.
Provide Help $50 to $499 qualifies you for $20 Mavro Reward
Provide Help $500 to $2,999 qualifies you for $50 Mavro Reward
Provide Help $3,000 and above qualifies you for $100 Mavro Reward
I raised the help to 40,000, 60,000 and then 350,000 Naira and then another 500,000 the following month. Total Help received from MMM = 452,000
30% is 0.3.
So 0.3 Multiplied by 2000 would give me 600 plus my 2000 back in 30 days.
0.3 Multiplied by 5,000 = 6,500 in 30 days.
0.3 x 20,000 = 26,000
0.3 x 50,000 = 65,000
0.3 x 100,000 = 130,000
0.3 x 200,000 = 260,000
0.3 x 500,000 = 650,000
0.3 x 1,000,000 = 1,300,000
Let me sound the warning again before you get carried away: Use Money you have no immediate need for and 40,000 was my own Maximum limit (or so i thought until i pushed the limit to 450,000).
The figures calculated represent a full 30 days circle but you can actually request for help (withdraw) from 14 days as long as you’ve provided help (Paid to another participant).
To register for MMM, You only need to fill in your Name, active email, password and Phone number.
Since Ngbuzz Referred you to MMM, please leave our email in the INVITE box so that we can get some bonus as you join and Provide help. The guider details should be left blank.
Click this Link and select REGISTER to fill the MMM Nigeria Registration Form and don’t forget to comeback and continue reading this article for next steps.
After registration, Login at
Providing Help (Making payment to participants)
– Remember, once you click to provide help, your Mavro starts increasing by 1% a day even while it’s in your pocket/bank. Mavro growth on your personal office is updated only on Tuesdays and Thursdays
– It takes around 2 to 30 days sometimes before you are matched with another participant who needs help.
– When you’re linked with another participant who needs help, you will see their account details you’re supposed to send payment to, their phone number and the number of Hours remaining for you to fulfill that request for help.
– You MUST provided proof of payment and upload it on the request you made payment for so that the participant who received the help can CONFIRM that he/she has received it – This closes the request.
The proof of payment can be a screenshot of your Debit SMS alert, Transfer Successful screenshot, scanned/snapped Bank deposit slip etc.
– If you fail to fulfill the request within the stipulated Hours given (usually 48Hours or 96Hours for weekends) it will be redirected to another participant who is willing to provide help and you will be removed from MMM.
Receiving Help (Withdrawing Money)
– The MAVRO menu after you login displays Help you’ve provided, referral bonuses, Registration bonus and their status.
Amounts displayed in Green indicates that it’s available for withdrawal; Blue indicates Frozen(You’ve provided help but it’s not up to 14 days yet) and Red indicates Not confirmed (You haven’t provided help or referral hasn’t provided help.)
You do not need to refer anyone to MMM in other to start earning from it – that’s one thing i like about it.
However if you decide to tell anyone about MMM, do so after you’ve confirmed that it works (received money) and be truthful about it. Make sure you give them all the warnings and red flags i have shown in part 1 of this article.
If you don’t give them enough information / caution, they will abuse the system, cause delays to other participants and may commit offences that can get their account blocked.
The keyword is – Use Only Spare money for MMM so that you won’t be stressed or panic easily.
You get 10% of Any help provided by your referrals.
In summary, i currently now have over 1,000,000 gained from MMM Nigeria within a few months.
I always provide help and always request for help. I’m not keeping this to myself, i have showed friends, family and my Blog readers like you how to gain some passive income too with spare money by referring them.